Chapter Outlines

Chapter 9


I. Defining Communication: Definition and Characteristics -  Important Issues in Communication


II. The Communications Process: Stages in the Process

A. Verbal and Nonverbal Components

B. The Basic Communication Process

C. Establishing Meaning


III. Improving Interpersonal Communication

A. Barriers to Effective Communication

1. Distortion Defined

2. Semantics

3. Filtering

4. Different Communications

B. Oral Communication

1. Helpful Guidelines

2. Self-disclosure

C. Active Listening

1. Process

2. Other Factors in Active Listening

3. Strategies for Listening

D. Supportive Communication

1. Definition and Characteristics

2. Characteristics

E. Dialogue

1. Process

2. Characteristics and Patterns

F. Electronic Communication

1. Types and Impact

2. Advantages and Disadvantages


IV. Specialized Forms of Communication

A. Persuasive Communication: Assumptions and Characteristics

B. Coaching or Personal Counseling

1. Purpose

2. Objectives

3. Conducting the Session

C. Conducting Effective Meetings

1. Helpful Hints

2. Steps for a Productive Meeting

D. Writing Memos, Reports, and Proposals

1. Clear Communication

2. Basic steps

3. Additional Comments