Chapter Outlines

Chapter 15


I. Organizational Culture

A. Introduction: Early Work

B. Elements of Organizational Culture: Different Elements

C. Individual Behavior and Organizational Culture: Influence on Culture

D. Cultural Change: Practical Issues


II. Approaches to Understanding Change

A. Classic Approaches to Managing Change: Real-life Situations

B. Managing Change Through Organizational Culture: Implementing Change

C. Organizational Learning

1. Theory

2. Single-Loop Learning

3. Double-Looped Learning and Systems Theory

D. Large Systems Change

1. Assumptions

2. Concept of Emergence


III. Newer Approaches to Bringing About Change

A. Change through Management Action or Reorganization

1. History

2. Restructuring or Reorganizing

3. Mechanistic versus Organic Structures

B. Change through Organization Development

1. Characteristics

2. Argyris’ Perspective

3. Overall Implications

C. Change through Appreciative Inquiry: Recent Developments


IV. Steps in Organizational Transformations: Models and Assumptions

A. Denhardt and Denhardt

B. Nadler


V. The Ethics of Managing Change: Value System

A. Characteristics

B. Key Areas