Chapter Outlines

Chapter 1

I. What is Organizational Behavior?

A. Definition: The Field of Organizational Behavior

B. Individual Group, and Organizational Levels of Analysis

1. First Level: Individual Analysis

2. Second Level:  Small Group Analysis

3. Third Level: Large Group Analysis

4. Fourth Level: Organizational Analysis


II. A Brief History of Organizational Behavior

A. Overview of OB History: Brief Look

B. The Classical Period

1. Focus

2. Assumptions

3. Frederick Taylor

4. Post Scientific Management Perspectives

C. The Humanistic Period   

1. Focus

2. The Hawthorne Effect

3. Chester Barnard

4. McGregor

5. Maslow

6. Weber

D. Modern Organizational Behavior

1. Different Perspectives

2. Last Few Decades


III. Current Trends in Organizational of Behavior

A. Positive Organizational Behavior

1. Introduction

2. Emphasis of the Theory

3. Strength Based Approach

B. Neuroscience and Organizational Behavior

1. Introduction

2. Related Work by David Brooks

3. Related Work by Daniel Goleman


IV. People Skills in Management

A. Specific Challenges Faced as Managers: The Shortcomings of Top-Down Management

B. The Difference between Managers and Leaders

1. Work of Abraham Zaleznik’s

2. Work by John Kotter

C. What Managers Do

1. The Job of Managers

2. Mintzberg’s Work

D. What Leaders Do

1. Expectations of Leaders

2. Impact of Leaders on Organizations

E. Influence of Managers

1. Engagement of Workers

2. Poor Management in Organizations


V. Creativity and Change in a Global Society

A. Today’s Global Society: Impact of Global Society on Organizations

B. Creativity and Change

1. Tomorrow’s Organizations

2. Creativity and Effectiveness   

C. A Global Society

1. Globalization Defined

2. Elements of Globalization

3. The Impact of Globalization

4. Stable Versus Liquid Situations

5. Complexity

6. Connectedness


VI. The Ethical Environment

A. Introduction: Ethical Context

B. Personal Integrity: Important Characteristics

C. A Cultural Mindset

1. Today’s Environment

2. Corporate Social Responsibility

3. Sustainability