Cultural Anthropology
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 7.1 Ayyash, M. M. (2013). The paradox of political violence. European Journal of Social Theory, 16(3), 342–356. DOI: 10.1177/1368431013476567
Abstract: This article explores the paradoxical relationship between politics and violence in the concept of political violence. By examining the works of prominent theorists, such as Hannah Arendt and Frantz Fanon, the article highlights both the difficulty of separating politics and violence, and the improbability of formulating a harmonious relationship between them. Engaging with some of Michel Foucault’s work on power and violence, the article begins to formulate a theoretical approach that conceptualizes political violence in its inherently paradoxical condition.
Journal Article 7.2 Smirnova, A., & Iliev, R. (2017). Political and linguistic identities in an ethnic conflict. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 36(2), 211–225. DOI: 10.1177/0261927X16643559
Abstract: Language is a powerful marker for social discrimination, often associated with stereotypes and prejudices against various social groups. However, less is known about the psychological role of language during ethnolinguistic conflicts. In such conflicts, the political rivalry is closely intertwined with language ideology. We consider two independent paths through which language might trigger social discrimination. The first one is related to linguistic identity, where a person could favor those who speak like her. The second one is related to political identity, where a person could favor those who use the language associated with the person’s political views. In the context of the conflict in Ukraine, we find empirical support only for the political identity explanation and no support for the linguistic identity one.
Journal Article 7.3 Gülalp, H. (2013). Citizenship and democracy beyond the nation-state? Cultural Dynamics, 25(1), 29–47. DOI: 10.1177/0921374013489448
Abstract: This article surveys the evolution of the field of citizenship and democracy beyond the stages identified by T. H. Marshall, through globalization and the weakening of the welfare function of the nation–state. Globalization has led to two distinct issue areas: the rise of identity claims as part of democratic demands and the regulation of human rights by supranational institutions. This article critically examines the pros and cons of the notion of group rights as a response to multiculturalist demands and considers the context within which a “global democracy” may be envisioned. This article concludes with a brief discussion of several pressing questions raised in the recent literature with regard to these two areas.