Cultural Anthropology
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 13.1 O’Donnell, C. (2014). On Balinese cockfights: Deeply extending play. Games and Culture, 9(6), 406–416. DOI: 10.1177/1555412014545783
Abstract: In this article, I advance three points, each in service of ‘‘extending play’’ as a critical conceptual category. The article begins with Clifford Geertz’s essay ‘‘Deep Play,’’ tracing through its lens the possibilities for ‘‘deeply extending play.’’ The essay extends Geertz’s argument that games and play are in/as/of/through culture. Games and play are not generative of, reflective of, just culture. Rather they are intensely interwoven. I argue that games and play, as conceptual categories, need to be viewed as ‘‘experimental systems,’’ and those concepts deserve to be informed by alternative perspectives. Finally, the article returns to the notion of ‘‘meaningful play’’ as mechanism of sense making and cultural negotiations with structures. Meaningful play lies at the core of exploration and encourages a different kind of reading of play(ful) spaces. Meaningful play is part of what makes games and play so fundamentally an aspect of the human (and nonhuman) condition.
Journal Article 13.2 Imada, T., & Yussen, S. R. (2012). Reproduction of cultural values: A cross-cultural examination of stories people create and transmit. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(1), 114–128. DOI: 10.1177/0146167211421938
Abstract: Narratives are one of the oldest and universal forms of communication in human societies. In the present research, the authors hypothesized that narratives play an important role in the reproduction of cultural values. To test this idea, Study 1 examined the contents of stories created by American and Japanese participants for their reflection of individualistic and collectivistic values, and Study 2 examined whether information consistent with cultural values would be more likely to be retained and passed onto others. The studies found that American participants created stories that reflected individualistic values and retained more individualistic information than collectivistic information when they transmitted a story to others. In contrast, Japanese participants created stories that reflected collectivistic values and retained more collectivistic information than individualistic information when they transmitted a story to others. These findings support the idea that narrative communication is an important part of cultural reproduction mechanism.
Journal Article 13.3 Gagnon, B. O. (2013). Engendering status and value in the powwow art market. Cultural Dynamics, 25(1), 75–97. DOI: 10.1177/0921374013483497
Abstract: This article examines the relationship between people and objects in the powwow arts and crafts market. Over the past century, the field of Indian art developed a system of valuation that employs the “negative relationship” to create a hierarchy of people, objects, and markets. Central to this system are regimes of value associated with art and commodity. I argue that the presence of the mass-produced makes it possible for artisan–vendors to employ the negative relationship to define, value, and make sustainable the artistic in the powwow market context. Ultimately, this marks artisan–vendors and mass-produced vendors as position takers within the Indian art field.