Cultural Anthropology
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 6.1: Economic Systems & the Labor Market
Description: CrashCourse offers a brief introduction to economy and its relationship to social structures, as understood by social scientists. [0:00-5:18]
Video 6.2: Division of Labor: Burgers and Ships
Description: This video provides a brief and slightly humorous demonstration of how the division of labor during and after the Industrial Revolution led to rapid economic productivity and contributed to globalization.
Video 6.3: What Is a Gift Economy?
Description: Alex Gendler explains gift economies and the various forms of reciprocity that form the basis of important cultural institutions all over the world.
Video 6.4: Bolivian Child Miners Work In Dangerous Conditions to Help Support Their Families
Description: VICE News reports on a grim consequence of capitalism in Bolivia, where increasingly drastic gaps between the rich and poor force those at the bottom to support themselves by whatever means necessary.
Video 6.5: Tricia Wang Career Video
Description: Tricia Wang discusses her career working with tech companies to improve user experience with electronic products, utilizing anthropological training to bring in rich data about how people interact with technology in an increasingly plugged-in world.