Cultural Anthropology
Video and Multimedia
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Video 1.1: An Introduction to the Discipline of Anthropology
Description: Macat provides an overview of the key concepts of anthropology, tracing them through notable theorists to demonstrate how the field has grown over time into what it is today.
Video 1.2: Why Study Anthropology?
Description: Students and faculty from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa explain how the skills cultivated by anthropology have far-reaching applications in many areas of work and study.
Video 1.3: Doing Anthropology
Description: Three members of the anthropology department at MIT, Stefan Helmreich, Erica James, and Heather Paxson, discuss their experiences conducting anthropological fieldwork and demonstrate the wide variety of topics that anthropology can help us understand today. [0:00-3:51]
Video 1.4: Jorja Leap on the Anthropology of Gangs
Description: Jorja Leap talks briefly about her work with gangs and gangsters, showing us how applied anthropology can work toward understanding and improving the lives of marginalized groups.
Video 1.5: The Myth of Race, Debunked in 3 Minutes
Description: Jenée Desmond Harris explains the socially constructed nature of race by tracing the variation and complexity of its definition over time and culture, demonstrating that “race” as we know it has a lot more to do with our perception of difference than with any real biological variation among humans.