Discussion Questions
1. Vocation comes from the Latin word, vocare, which means to call. In other words, a vocation is not a job to pay the bills; it is a calling. What do you feel your calling is in life? How is college helping you to answer this call?
2. As we learned in the text, individuals who lose their job still suffer mental health-wise even after they find new employment. Why do you think this is?
3. Discuss how a job that you have held (paid or volunteer) helped fulfill the basic needs of survival, self-determination, and relatedness. Where some needs met better than others? How and why?
4. During the college years, there can be career indecisiveness. Discuss your experiences with this. What contextual factors are influencing your career choices?
5. Steve Jobs once gave a graduation commencement speech at Stanford University. As a college dropout, he spoke to the students about finding their passion. Have you found your passion? Is your major and future career choice something that you are passionate about? If not, what is holding you back from pursuing your passion?