Web Exercises
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
1. Using an online search engine, type in “free online stress test”. Take the test to gauge your current level of stress. When done, please answer the following questions.
- Did the assessment that you chose assess both positive and negative change events? Provide example questions from the assessment.
- Did the assessment that you chose assess both planned and unplanned change? Provide example questions from the assessment.
- Did the assessment that you chose assess both daily stressors and major life changes? Provide example questions from the assessment.
- Do you feel that this assessment accurately measured your current level of stress? Why or why not?
Learning objective 1-5
2. Chapter one discusses the importance of sleep for well-being and health. It also discusses psycho-education (or learning psychological information that can help you make adjustments). Go to one of the following websites and assess your quality of sleep. If the links have become outdated, simply type “online sleep test” into a search engine to find an active link.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/profiler/
- https://sleepfoundation.org/quiz/national-sleep-foundation-sleepiness-test
- http://londonsleepcentre.com/do-you-have-a-sleep-problem-perform-an-online-sleep-assessment/
- http://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Sleep-self-assessment.aspx
After completing the sleep quiz, open an online search engine and type in “how to improve sleep”. Read the information at two or three websites, then answer the below questions.
- What did you learn from the survey regarding your quality of sleep? Did this information surprise you? Why or why not?
- What information did you learn from the websites for improving your sleep?
- Having researched ways to improve your sleep, do you feel like you will be able to apply that information to your daily life? In other words, will the psycho-education work to improve your sleep?
- Remembering the information in chapter one, why is sleep so important for adjustment?
Learning objectives 1-3 and 1-6
3. Pinterest Board
I use this assignment in all of my classes. First, create a Pinterest account if you do not already have one. Create a “class board” for each class in which you will be doing this assignment. The board must be made public. Then, using your roster, invite your students to be collaborators for the class board. Ask the students to “pin” an item or more (video, website, article, visual graphic, etc.) related to chapter one (no repeat pins). Then, have them comment on a few of their peers’ pins, relating the pin to the chapter’s material. If you want to see how successful this assignment can be, check out my class boards: https://www.pinterest.com/professorgrayso/
By viewing the pins and comments, you will be able to see how the students understood the course material. However, you could have them discuss the pins on a discussion board or write a journal about what they learned by viewing the pins and how the pins related to course material.
Learning Objectives 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, & 1-6