Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Links

1. Choice, Happiness, and Spaghetti Sauce 

In this TedTalk (17:30 minutes), Malcolm Gladwell discusses the relationship between choice and happiness.

Learning Objective:  2-4

2. The Dream we Haven’t Dared to Dream

This TedTalk (11:56) focuses upon living boldly in the face of our mortality – clearly within an existential perspective.

Learning Objective 2-1


Audio Links

1. Quantifying Happiness: 

In this NPR podcast (13:46 minutes), a graduate student discusses his research on measuring happiness and preliminary findings that people are not living in the moment.

Learning Objective 2-2

2. Does Being ‘Spiritual but not Religious’ Really Mean Anything

This NPR podcast (3:07 minutes) discusses how around 20% of Americans identify as not religious, but still spiritual, and the importance of finding meaning in personal spirituality.

Learning Objective 2-3



1. American Psychological Association and the Search for Meaning

This brief American Psychological Association article explains how a search for meaning can improve lives.

Learning Objective 2-1

2. Viktor Frankl Institute  

This website is devoted to describing the life and works of Viktor Frankl.

Learning Objective 2-1