Web Exercises

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Interactive:  The Stress/Body Connection:  http://www.morethanmedication.ca/en/article/index/stress_body_connection

Visit the above website and click on the various dots on the body.  Take note about how stress impacts each body system, then answer the below questions.

  1. What does stress do to the brain?
  2. How can stress impact the skin?
  3. How does the cardiovascular system respond to stress?
  4. What happens to your lungs during stress?  Did you try the deep breathing exercise that was mentioned?  Why or why not?
  5. What do muscles do when the body is under stress?  Click on the “massage message” slide show.  How does this information relate to chapter six?
  6. How does the liver function differently under stress?
  7. What problems may be encountered in your joints under stress?
  8. Explain what stress can do to the adrenal glands?
  9. How does stress impact the digestive system?
  10. Can prolonged stress impact one’s reproductive ability?  Explain.

2. Stress:  http://www.morethanmedication.ca/en/article/index/levels_of_stress 

Explore the above website and the related articles linked at the bottom.  On the discussion board, discuss your favorite article and explain how it relates to the material in chapter six.

3. Fifty Common Signs and Symptoms of Stress:  http://www.stress.org/stress-effects/

Visit the above website and answer the following questions.

  1. Which signs/symptoms of stress have you experienced?
  2. Did any of the signs/symptoms surprise you?  If yes, which ones and why?
  3. How does the material at this website relate to the material in chapter six?

4. Pinterest Board

I use this assignment in all of my classes.  First, create a Pinterest account if you do not already have one.  Create a “class board” for each class in which you will be doing this assignment.  The board must be made public.  Then, using your roster, invite your students to be collaborators for the class board.  Ask the students to “pin” an item or more (video, website, article, visual graphic, etc.) related to chapter one (no repeat pins).  Then, have them comment on a few of their peers’ pins, relating the pin to the chapter’s material.  If you want to see how successful this assignment can be, check out my class boards:  https://www.pinterest.com/professorgrayso/

By viewing the pins and comments, you will be able to see how the students understood the course material.  However, you could have them discuss the pins on a discussion board or write a journal about what they learned by viewing the pins and how the pins related to course material.