Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Links

1. Why Some of Us don’t have One True Calling

This TedTalk (12:26 minutes) explores the idea that some people have many potential interests and may have many different careers across their lifetime.

Learning Outcomes 10-1 and 10-4

2. The Way we Think about Work is Broken

This eight-minute TedTalk explains why work is so much more than just a paycheck.

Learning Outcome 10-1

3.  Natalie Baumgartner – Workplace Fit

This 10-minute TedTalk explains the importance of person-workplace fit.

Learning Outcome 10-4


Audio Links

1. How to Make Jobs more Satisfying and Motivating

This 18-minute podcasts discusses strategies for finding satisfaction in jobs that are routine and boring.

Learning Outcomes 10-1, 10-2, and 10-5

2. Working Remotely – Psychological Advantages and Disadvantages 

This 32-minute podcast explains the positives and negatives of telecommuting.

Learning Outcome 10-5

3. Career Resiliency for Women

This 24-minute podcast discusses the influence of gender on career development.

Learning Outcome 10-3



1.  25 Career Milestones Worth Celebrating

This article highlights career milestones throughout adulthood.

Learning Outcome 10-2.

2. Circumscription and Compromise

This webpage provides a brief overview of the Theory of Occupational Circumscription and Compromise.

Learning Outcome 10-4

3. Socioeconomic Status and the Fates of Adolescents

This webpage explains the impact that socioeconomic status can have on vocational development.

Learning Outcome 10-3