Web Exercises
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
1. Saving for Retirement: http://www.aarp.org/work/retirement-planning/retirement_calculator/
Have students play around with the retirement calculator to see when and how much they will need to save to comfortably retire. Students can then write a self-reflection paper as to their retirement plan.
- How much would you like to retire with in the bank?
- At what age do you hope to retire?
- Using the calculator, when will you need to begin saving and how much will you need to save each month?
2. AARP and Aging: http://www.aarp.org/
The AARP has numerous articles on the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of aging. Have students explore the website and choose three articles to read. On the discussion board, have students summarize their articles and relate the information to the textbook readings. Have the students reflect upon how this information is applicable to their own future.
3. Grief Blog
We can experience grief after the death of a loved, a harsh break-up, a job loss, or other traumatic event. There are many online grief blogs. Have students search the web to find a grief blog that speaks to them. On the discussion board, have the students summarize what they read and explain how it relates to the material in chapter 12.
4. Grief Resources
Using a class Facebook page, have students collaborate to create a grief resource page. This page could include local support groups, online support groups, information about the grieving process, or any other information that you find pertinent.
5. Pinterest Board
I use this assignment in all of my classes. First, create a Pinterest account if you do not already have one. Create a “class board” for each class in which you will be doing this assignment. The board must be made public. Then, using your roster, invite your students to be collaborators for the class board. Ask the students to “pin” an item or more (video, website, article, visual graphic, etc.) related to chapter one (no repeat pins). Then, have them comment on a few of their peers’ pins, relating the pin to the chapter’s material. If you want to see how successful this assignment can be, check out my class boards: https://www.pinterest.com/professorgrayso/
By viewing the pins and comments, you will be able to see how the students understood the course material. However, you could have them discuss the pins on a discussion board or write a journal about what they learned by viewing the pins and how the pins related to course material.