Recommended Readings
Learning Objectives:
LO 12-1: Discuss how life expectancy has changed worldwide over the past century.
LO 12-2: Describe the age-related physical and cognitive changes of early, middle, and older adulthood.
LO 12-3: Describe the major socioemotional changes associated with aging.
LO 12-4: Identify behaviors associated with aging positively.
LO 12-5: Identify factors that contribute to the ability to cope with loss.
LO 12-6: Summarize findings about optimal living situations for aging adults.
Learning Objectives: 12-1, 12-3, 12-4, & 12-6
Hendricks, J., Schulz, J. H., Cutler, S. J., Binstock, R. H., & George, L. K. (2006). Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. Amserdam: Academic Press.
Description: This comprehensive book examines many different psychological, sociological, and societal aspects of aging.
Learning Objectives: 12-2
Masoro, E. J., & Austad, S. N. (2006). Handbook of the Biology of Aging. Amsterdam: Academic Press.
Description: This book examines the biological, physical, and health aspects of aging.
Articles that should be Available via Your Library
Learning Objectives: 12-4
Weiss, D., Job, V., Mathias, M., Grah, S., & Freund, A. M. (2016). The end is (not) near: Aging, essentialism, and future time perspective. Developmental Psychology, 52(6), 996-1009. doi:10.1037/dev0000115
Description: This research article examines how a future time perspective is critical for positive aging.
Learning Objectives: 12-4
Fernández-Ballesteros, R., Molina, M. Á., Schettini, R., & del Rey, Á. L. (2012). Promoting active aging through university programs for older adults: An evaluation study. Geropsych: The Journal Of Gerontopsychology And Geriatric Psychiatry, 25(3), 145-154. doi:10.1024/1662-9647/a000064
Description: This article demonstrated that university programs for the elderly can help promote active aging.
Learning Objectives: 12-5
Norton, M. I., & Gino, F. (2014). Rituals alleviate grieving for loved ones, lovers, and lotteries. Journal Of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(1), 266-272. doi:10.1037/a0031772
Description: A series of experiments explored the role of rituals in the grieving process.