Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Links

1. Why Some People are more Altruistic than Others  

This 12-minute TedTalk examines reasons why some people may be more altruistic than others, but concludes that selflessness is possible for all of us.

Learning Objective 7-4

2. The Evolution of Compassion

This 17-minute TedTalk uses game theory and evolutionary theory to explain the development of compassion, as well as the potential for all humans to exhibit compassion.

Learning Objective 7-4


Audio Links

1. Mid-life Friendship Key to a Longer, Healthier Life

This seven-minute podcasts discusses how loneliness peaks in mid-life and is dangerous to one’s health.  Friendships are necessary to combat both loneliness and poor health.

Learning Objectives 7-2 and 7-5

2. Researchers Study Consequences of Work-Based Friendships

This brief podcast (3:33 minutes) discusses the pro’s and con’s of work-based friendships.

Learning Objective 7-2



1. How Junior High Friendships affect Adult Relationships

This article by Time Magazine explains how childhood and adolescent friendships influence relationships in adulthood.

Learning Objective 7-1

2. Childhood Friendships may be Key to Adult Happiness

This brief article discusses how childhood friendships can lead to adult happiness by providing a sense of coherence and connectedness.

Learning Objectives 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, and 7-5