Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Links

1. Confusing Conditioning:  Classical and Operant

While this video is posted on YouTube, it was created and distributed by the APA.  This 42-minute video teaches the major concepts of classical and operant conditioning.

Learning Objective 4-1

2. Symbolic Understanding in Infants and Young Children

This series of videos explains many of the basic concepts in both Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories.

Learning Objective 4-3

3.  YouTube has many video clips that explain Piaget’s theory, experiments, and the various qualities of thought. 

Learning Objective 4-3


Audio Links

1. Encouraging Active Learning

This brief podcast (3:25 minutes) provides strategies for helping students engage in active learning.

Learning Objective 4-4

2.  Improving Mental Health via Social Media

This four-minute podcast discusses how social media can improve mental health through increasing one’s sense of self-efficacy.

Learning Objective 4-2



1. Jean Piaget Society

This website provides a brief biography of Jean Piaget and summarizes his work.

Learning Objective 4-3

2. Human Behavior

This website provides links to biographies and timelines of several key psychologists; including Skinner and Watson.

Learning Objective 4-1