Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
This 28-minute video discusses attraction, marriage, and divorce.
Learning Objectives 8-1, 8-2, and 8-6
2. The Mathematics of Marriage: Predicting Divorce
This 28-minute video discusses Gottman’s research and what behaviors maintain a marriage versus what behaviors lead to divorce.
Learning Objective 8-6
This link leads to three TedTalks on domestic violence ranging in length from 11 to 18 minutes.
Learning Objective 8-5
Audio Links
1. Can Infidelity Make a Relationship Better?
This NPR podcast (8:34 minutes) discusses why some individuals choose to be infidel and how relationships can be rebuilt to be stronger after the fact.
Learning Objective 8-4
2. Sex without Intimacy: No Dating, No Relationships:
This nine-minute podcast explains how this generation’s goal is not marriage, but fun.
Learning Objective 8-1
1. Center for Disease Control Releases Data on Interpersonal and Sexual Violence by Sexual Orientation
This webpage summarizes the statistics for intimate partner violence by sexual orientation.
Learning Objective 8-3 and 8-5
This website contains resources that help couples maintain their relationship.
Learning Outcome 8-6