The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Hall, T., & Lloyd, C. (1990). Non-verbal communication in a health care setting. The British journal of occupational therapy, 53, 383–386.
Abstract: Knowing how non-verbal communication functions in the communication process involves a holistic perspective. The need for effective communication skills is of primary importance to health care workers in providing quality care that will meet the client's varied needs. Through increasing the therapist's awareness of one of the major components of communication —non-verbal signalling — this goal can be reached.
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate whether ratings of brief exposures to ‘non-verbal’ and ‘non-verbal plus verbal’ behaviour could successfully predict on-the-job performance in a call centre. A panel often judges who were exposed to 30-second silent video recordings of 29 call centre operators carrying out their jobs were asked to rate the non-verbal behaviour of the operators on several dimensions. Two weeks later they were asked to repeat their judgments with the audio channel included. The judgments were correlated with management ratings and customer ratings of the operators' performance. The correlations varied between 0.31 and 0.46, representing medium to large effect sizes. The inclusion of the verbal channel did not significantly improve the accuracy of the thin-slice judgments of non-verbal behaviour. The implications of using ratings of non-verbal behaviour as a selection method were discussed.
Journal Article 3: Dil, N. (1984). Nonverbal communication in young children. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 4, 82–99.
Abstract: Nonverbal communication is an essential and integral component of the communicative competence and contributes significantly to the affective aspect of human interaction. Researchers have only recently begun to emphasize nonverbal communication in young children. However, most of this research has focused on specific aspects rather than the overall system of nonverbal communication. In this paper, the broad scope of the field of nonverbal communication is discussed. Further, a variety of modes of nonverbal communication and their relation to language development are described.