The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging
SAGE Journal Articles
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Abstract: This two-part study with working adults examines which communication behaviors occur at work and how these communication behaviors are evaluated. Through an analysis of organizational communication publications (articles, organizational case studies, textbooks), the authors identified 343 communication behaviors; sorting analysis reduced this list to 163 verbal communication behaviors used in the workplace. In Study 1, using an online survey, 126 working adults identified which of these communication behaviors had been heard or observed the previous day in the workplace. Forty-four communication behaviors were identified by 50% or more of the participants, indicating their frequent use in the workplace. In Study 2, 331 working adults evaluated their effectiveness on the 44 verbal communication behaviors. Factor analysis reduced that list to 36 verbal workplace communication behaviors composed of four factors: information sharing, relational maintenance, expressing negative emotion, and organizing communication behaviors. The Workplace Communication Behavior Inventory is presented.
Journal Article 2: Morgan, P. I., & Ogbonna, E. (2008). Subcultural dynamics in transformation: A multi-perspective study of healthcare professionals. Human Relations, 61, 39–65.
Abstract: The extensive criticism of the integrative ‘shared values’ view of culture has prompted many researchers to argue that one way of advancing culture research is by examining the ways different subcultures interact in organizational settings. However, existing studies in this area generally explore the nature of subcultures and the differences between them. The findings from a study of two large healthcare organizations suggest that greater insights can be generated into organizational subcultures by studying doctors, nurses and non-clinical managers through multiple analytical lenses. Such analyses help to uncover the wide variation in sub-cultural values, norms, and assumptions, revealing those that are shared, those that differ and those that are characterized by ambiguity both within and across subcultures. It is argued that this approach reveals interesting insights into the dynamics of subcultures and the ways in which different subcultures interpret and respond to management initiated changes designed to transform organizational practices.
Journal Article 3: Callary, R. E. (1974). Status perception through syntax. Language and speech, 17, 187–192.
Abstract: Previous studies have indicated that untrained judges are able to assign correct social status to a speaker on the basis of a very short sample of speech. However, it is unknown if the linguistic features upon which these decisions are based are to be found in the syntactic, phonological, or morphological components of the grammar. This study holds phonology and morphology constant and examines status judgments based entirely upon syntax. The findings indicate that judges are consistently able to assign correct social status on the basis of syntax alone.