The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Dyer, F. C., & Dyer, J. M. (1970). How To Be a Good Business Speech Writer. Journal of Business Communication, 7, 29–36.
Abstract: The authors believe speech writing is an ethical activity and an economic and practical necessity in the business world today. From many years of experience, they offer a number of hints to the speech writer, from what should be charged to the actual writing of the speech itself.
Journal Article 2: Snowden, D. (1999). Story telling: An old skill in a new context. Business Information Review, 16, 30–37.
Abstract: Story telling is a uniting and defining component of all communities. The quality of story telling and its conformity or otherwise with desired corporate values is one measure of the overall health of an organization. Stories exist in all organizations; managed and purposeful story telling provides a powerful mechanism for the disclosure of intellectual or knowledge assets in companies. It can also provide a non-intrusive, organic means of producing sustainable cultural change; conveying brands and values; transferring complex tacit knowledge. Too many management theories are based on mechanical models of the organization, which fail to recognize that success is best achieved by treating the organization as a complex ecology, whose workings cannot be fully predicted. In this article the use of story telling will be explored in respect of different business purposes. This will provide a pragmatic approach to the use of the age old ability of communities to convey complex knowledge through story telling which will provide readers with tools and concepts that can be readily applied in their own organizations.
Abstract: This research assesses student understanding of citation practices especially problems in citing secondary sources, and the effectiveness of direct instruction to correct evident misunderstandings. Forty-six college undergraduates completed a pretest of their knowledge. Twenty-six of these undergraduates received direct instruction about primary versus secondary sources and problems in citing secondary sources. After instruction, we again tested all participants. Knowledge of citation practices before instruction was inadequate, and instruction significantly increased performance for the experimental group. We suggest that such direct instruction should be systematically included early in the undergraduate psychology curriculum.