Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry
Web Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Web Link 1: Pew Research Center Internet, Science & Tech Project
Description: Click on “Datasets” at the above site to get current statistics on Internet use and on the characteristics of Internet and other technology users.
Web Link 2: Pew Research Center U.S. Politics and Policy
Description: Click on “Methodology” for discussions of survey sampling.
Web Link 3: Research Randomizer
Description: One online site for generating random numbers.
Web Link 4: StatPac
Description: A commercial survey software site with tutorials on sampling and other survey procedures.
Web Link 5: Survey Sampling International
Description: A commercial site providing sampling services internationally
Web Link 6: World Association for Public Opinion Research
Description: Provides a code of professional ethics and practices at
Web Link 7: Council of American Survey Research Organizations
Description: Provides basic information on surveys and survey sampling.
Sample Size Calculators
Web Link 1: Sample Size Calculator
Web Link 2: Sample Size Calculator
Description: The above two websites will help you calculate a sample size given your inputs such as standard error, confidence interval, and homogeneity of the sample. Commercial survey sites such as SurveyMonkey can also help with sample size calculations.