Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry
Web Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Web Link 1: Daniel Chandler, University of Wales, Semiotics for Beginners
Description: This text outlines some of the key concepts in semiotics, together with relevant critiques, beginning with the most fundamental concept of the sign itself.
Web Link 2: Professor Charles Antaki’s Conversation Analysis Tutorial
Description: Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University. Conversation Analysis tutorial.
Web Link 3: Qualitative Data Analysis on the Web
Description: Department of Behavioural Sciences, University of Huddersfield. Qualitative data analysis methods, resources and a glossary.
Web Link 4: Signo
Description: Check out this site for more information on theoreticians such as Jakobson.
Web Link 5: TalkBank
Description: At TalkBank, you can find downloadable conversation analysis transcripts linked to audio or video recordings, and other resources.
Web Link 6: Umberto Eco
Description: Eco is a semiotician, literary critic, and novelist, popularly known for his novel The Name of the Rose, among others. Check out his website on semiotics.