Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry
Recommended Readings
There are many books and journals available on communication research, as a visit to your campus library will indicate. Many journals ranging from administrative theory to women’s studies may also focus on human communication. A few key journal titles are listed below. Chapter 4, “You Could Look It Up: Reading, Recording, and Reviewing Research,” will move us on to developing more relevant, targeted lists of readings.
Communication Yearbook—An annual review of communication research, published by the International Communication Association. The series provides in-depth articles on research on such aspects of communication as interpersonal, health, organizational, intercultural, international, technology, politics, and rhetoric.
Journal Article 4.1: Cull, N. J., Culbert, C., & Welch, D. (2003). Propaganda and mass persuasion: A historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Description: Surveys key propaganda campaigns, people, concepts, techniques, and current research.
Journal Article 4.2: Danesi, M. (2000). Encyclopedic dictionary of semiotics, media, and communications. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Description: Describes the terms, concepts, personages, schools of thought, and historical movements related to these fields.
Journal Article 4.3: Jones, S. (Ed.). (2002). Encyclopedia of new media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Description: Articles in this encyclopedia examine the people, technological innovations, ideas, and legal and social issues connected to new media.
Journal Article 4.4: Flanagin, A. J. (2017). Online social influence and the convergence of mass and interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 43(4), 450–463.
Description: The article explores the features of technological convergence in the context of mass and interpersonal communication. It suggests new methods and directions for examination of online social influence.
Journal Article 4.5: Hemsley, B., Baladin, S., Palmer, S., & Dann, S. (2017). A call for innovative social media research in the field of augmentative and alternative communication. ACC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 33(1), 14–22.
Description: Augmentative and alternative communication (ACC) social media is relatively new and focuses on the use of the internet and social media by people with communication disabilities.
Journal Article 4.6: Lievrouw, L. A., & Livingstone, S. (Eds.). (2009). New media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Description: Covers historical, economic, social, and behavioral issues related to new media.
Journal Article 4.7: Rubin, R. B., Rubin, A. M., & Haridakis, P. M. (2010). Communication research: Strategies and sources (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Description: This book will help you learn library research skills, scholarly writing, and the basics of APA style.
The above resources provide an overview of some key areas in communication. Use your own academic library to find more specialized resources such as Broadcasting and Cable Yearbook or the Handbook of Political Communication Research.
Journal Article 4.8: Wight J. (2011). Facing gender performativity: How transgender performance and performativity trouble facework research. Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication, 10, 73–90.
Description: The author explores how individuals who identify as transgender or who perform their gender identity in non/antinormative ways communicate in various contexts. New directions for research in queer gender performativity are also explored.