Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry
Recommended Readings
There are many books and journals available on communication research, as a visit to your campus library will indicate. Many journals ranging from administrative theory to women’s studies may also focus on human communication. A few key journal titles are listed below. Chapter 4, “You Could Look It Up: Reading, Recording, and Reviewing Research,” will move us on to developing more relevant, targeted lists of readings.
Journal Article 2.1: Anderson, J. A., & Baym, G. (2004, December). Philosophies and philosophic issues in communication, 1995–2004. Journal of Communication, 54(4), 589–615.
Description: A review of many of the issues discussed in this chapter.
Journal Article 2.2: Arnett, R. C. (2016). Philosophy of communication: Qualitative research, questions in action. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 17(1), 1–6.
Description: An exploration of qualitative research and philosophy. Focuses on inquiry, questioning, reading, writing, editing, thinking, and interpreting.
Journal Article 2.3: Conley, N. A., & Ah Yun, K. (2017). A survey of instructional communication: 15 years of research in review. Communication Education, 66(4), 451–466.
Description: The article explores the field of study in the discipline of communication research.
Journal Article 2.4: Littlejohn, S. W., & Foss, K. A. (2011). Theories of human communication (10th ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Description: Provides coverage of major communication theories, their intellectual origins, and their relationships.
Journal Article 2.5: Pirsig, R. M. (1974). Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance: An inquiry into values. New York, NY: Morrow.
Description: A best seller that documents one individual’s personal journey through the nature of knowing.
Journal Article 2.6: Powdermaker, H. (1967). Stranger and friend. New York, NY: Norton.
Description: Hortense Powdermaker is known for her ethnographic studies of African Americans in the rural United States and of Hollywood. Her book title captures the balancing act that communication researchers must often adapt when working with research participants.
Journal Article 2.7: Wei, R. (Ed.). (2016). Refining milestone mass communications theories for the 21st century. New York, NY: Routledge.
Description: Summarizes major theories and research in conceptualizing questions about mass communication.