Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry
Recommended Readings
There are many books and journals available on communication research, as a visit to your campus library will indicate. Many journals ranging from administrative theory to women’s studies may also focus on human communication. A few key journal titles are listed below. Chapter 4, “You Could Look It Up: Reading, Recording, and Reviewing Research,” will move us on to developing more relevant, targeted lists of readings.
Communication Monographs
Communication Research
Human Communication Research
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Quarterly Journal of Speech
Mass Communication
Critical Studies in Media Communication
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
Television and New Media
Organizational Communication
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict
Management Communication Quarterly
Group Communication
Conflict Studies
Group and Organization Management
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Small Group Research
Interpersonal Communication
Human Relations
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Family Communication
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Introducing Communication RESEARCH
Social Media
Convergence: The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Magazine and New Media Research
New Media and Society