SAGE Journal Articles and Readings

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SAGE Journal Articles


Article 1: Wolff, N., & Shi, J. (2011). Patterns of victimization and feelings of safety inside prison: The experience of male and female inmates. Crime & Delinquency, 57 (1), 29-55.

Learning objective: differentiate how incarcerated females (compared to males) have been dealt with in the United States and how incarceration differs for male and female inmates.

Article 2: Harner, H.M., & Riley, S. (2013). The impact of incarceration on women's mental health: Responses from women in a maximum-security prison. Qualitative Health Research, 23 (1), 26-42.

Learning objective: differentiate how incarcerated females (compared to males) have been dealt with in the United States and how incarceration differs for male and female inmates.

Article 3: Shefer, G., & Liebling A. (2008). Prison privatization: In search of a business-like atmosphere? Criminology and Criminal Justice, 8 (3), 261-278.

Learning objective: differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of private prisons.


Encyclopedia and Reference


Encyclopedia 1: Haas, K. (2012). Public Shaming as Punishment. In S. Barton-Bellessa (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Community Corrections. (pp. 357-363).

Learning objective: summarize the history of institutional corrections.

Encyclopedia 2: Forrest, B. (2002). Witchcraft. In D. Levinson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. (pp. 1711-1716).

Learning objective: summarize the history of institutional corrections.

Encyclopedia 3: Tillotson, S. (2012). National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline. In W. Miller (Ed.), The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia. (pp. 1187-1189).

Learning objective: summarize the history of institutional corrections.