Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: Growth Hormones
Description: This video describes the practice of giving young children growth hormone injections to help them grow to a more “normal” height.
Video 2: Body Image
Description: This video explains we are seeing body image disorders developing in children as young as 3-years-old.
Video 3: Neurological Explanations for ASD
Description: This video explains what we know about the connection between synaptic growth in the frontal lobes and the development of autism spectrum disorder.
Audio 1: Importance of Play
Description: This segment explains how play is important for the development of children’s brains.
Audio 2: Picky Eaters
Description: This segment explains what can be done to keep young children from developing picky eating habits.
Web 1: Developmental Coordination Disorder
Description: This pamphlet describes the symptoms (both physical and emotional) of developmental coordination disorder (DSD) and what parents and educators can do to help these children succeed.
Web 2: Junk Food in Schools
Description: This story explains what is being done to eliminate junk food from public schools.
Web 3: Food Allergies
Description: This story explores why we see so many more food allergies today than ever before.
Web 4: Child Protective Services
Description: This New York Times story explores whether child protective services is helping or hindering children and their families.