SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Lerner, R. M., Fisher, C. B., & Weinberg, R. A. (2000). Applying developmental science in the 21st century: International scholarship for our times. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 24–29.

Abstract: Applied developmental science (ADS) is scholarship that seeks to advance the integration of developmental research with actions that promote positive development and/or enhance the life chances of vulnerable children, youth, young and old adults, and their families. The ADS perspective challenges the validity of decontextualized knowledge and the legitimacy of isolating scholarship from the pressing human problems of our world. This orientation emphasizes the importance of scholar/university-community partnerships as an essential means of fostering bidirectional relationships between research and practice, wherein developmental research both guides and is guided by the outcomes of social interventions.

Journal Article 2: Eagly, A., & Wood, W. (2013). The nature-nurture debate: 25 years of challenges in understanding the psychology of genderPerspectives on Psychological Science, 8, 340–357.

Abstract: Nature–nurture debates continue to be highly contentious in the psychology of gender despite the common recognition that both types of causal explanations are important. In this article, we provide a historical analysis of the vicissitudes of nature and nurture explanations of sex differences and similarities during the quarter century since the founding of the Association for Psychological Science. We consider how the increasing use of meta-analysis helped to clarify sex difference findings if not the causal explanations for these effects. To illustrate these developments, this article describes socialization and preferences for mates as two important areas of gender research. We also highlight developing research trends that address the interactive processes by which nature and nurture work together in producing sex differences and similarities. Such theorizing holds the promise of better science as well as a more coherent account of the psychology of women and men that should prove to be more influential with the broader public.