SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Spriggs, M., Olsson, C. A., & Hall, W. (2008). How will information about the genetic risk of mental disorders impact on stigma? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 214–220.
Abstract: Objectives: To suggest ways of testing hypotheses about the impact that information on genetic risk may have on the social stigma of mental disorders and to analyze the implications of these hypotheses for genetic screening for mental disorders. Method: Literature review and critical analysis and synthesis. Results: An optimistic view is that information on the genetic risk for mental disorders will reduce blame and social stigma experienced by individuals living with mental disorder. A more pessimists’ view is that genetic risk information and the use of predictive genetic testing will lead to earlier stigmatization of those at risk of mental disorders. Research is identified that is needed to provide a better understanding of the implications of predictive genetic testing for the stigmatization of different mental health disorders. Conclusions: It is essential that research on the genetics of mental disorders is accompanied by social science research on the ways in which genetic findings influence the lives of those who are tested.
Journal Article 2: Kim-Cohen, J., & Gold, A. L. (2009). Measured gene-environment interactions and mechanisms promoting resilient development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 138–142.
Abstract: Childhood maltreatment elevates risk for antisocial behavior, depression, and other problems over the life span, but a subset of maltreated individuals avoids maladaptive development and shows resilience. Resilience reflects a dynamic confluence of factors that promotes positive adaptation despite exposure to adverse experiences. Recent replicated findings of gene–environment interactions (abbreviated G × E) involving maltreatment have identified two genes, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and serotonin transporter (5-HTT), that moderate the association between childhood maltreatment and psychopathology. Accordingly, G × E raise new questions about potential biological mechanisms by which some individuals are able to cope adaptively and function relatively well despite experiencing early adversity. We summarize advances toward greater specification of G × E mechanisms, including genetic and environmental moderation of G × E effects and imaging genomics that provide clues regarding resilience processes in development.