Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: FAS
Description: This video explains what it is like working with children with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Video 2: Newborn Withdrawal
Description: This video shows the horrific effects of drug withdrawal and detox on the newborn babies of addicted mothers.
Video 3: Doula
Description: This video explains the role of a doula during childbirth.
Audio 1: Maternal Diet & Obesity
Description: This segment describes new research suggesting how a mother eats during her pregnancy may later impact her child’s appetite.
Audio 2: Smoking in Pregnancy
Description: This segment explores the negative impact using a nicotine patch while pregnant may have on the developing fetus.
Audio 3: Postpartum Depression
Description: This segment describes the prevalence of postpartum depression in women.
Web 1: Grayest Generation
Description: This story explains some of the reasons women in America are waiting longer to have their first child.
Web 2: Accutane
Description: This story describes the dangers of using Accutane, a commonly prescribed acne medication, while pregnant.
Web 3: Marital Satisfaction
Description: This story from the American Psychological Association describes what new parents can do to keep from letting their newborn negatively affect their marriage.