Child Development from Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach

Welcome to the SAGE edge site for Child Development from Infancy to Adolescence, 2nd Edition.

The SAGE edge site for Child Development from Infancy to Adolescence by Laura Levine and Joyce Munsch offers a robust online environment you can access anytime, anywhere, and features an impressive array of free tools and resources to keep you on the cutting edge of your learning experience.

Chronologically organized, Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence presents topics within the field of child development through unique and highly engaging Active Learning opportunities.


We gratefully acknowledge Laura Levine and Joyce Munsch for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Theresa DiDonato of Loyola University Maryland, Danielle Terry of Guthrie, Aimee Poirier, and Courtney Stein of Colby-Sawyer College for developing the ancillaries on this site.