SAGE Journal Articles

(3.1) Mary Brydon-Miller, Davydd Greenwood, and Patricia Maguire. Why Action Research? Action Research, 2003; vol. 1: pp. 9-28.

Members of the editorial board of Action Research responded to the question, ‘Why action research?’ Based on their responses and the authors’ own experiences as action researchers, this article examines common themes and commitments among action researchers as well as exploring areas of disagreement and important avenues for future exploration. We also use this opportunity to welcome readers of this new journal and to introduce them to members of the editorial board.

(3.2) Hilary Bradbury Huang. What is good action research?: Why the resurgent interest? Action Research 2010 8: 93-109.

In the following ‘Note from the Field’, I respond to an invitation from students in the world of organizational studies, to share my perspective on what constitutes a good action research project/paper. As action researchers privilege the context of practice over disembodied theory, I will introduce examples of action research – after some initial definition and framing.

(3.3) Judy Burgess. Participatory action research: First-person perspectives of a graduate student. Action Research, 2006; vol. 4: pp. 419 – 437


This article examines the tensions and challenges of a graduate student maneuvering the institutional hierarchies in her journey of participatory action research (PAR). By using a first-person action research framework, the researcher moves back and forth exploring the prose of others, and revealing her reflexive self inquiry of underlying assumptions and beliefs. Iterations of insider-outsider positionality, drawing on and integrating paradigms, reconciling multiple roles and perspectives, exploring the complexity of power relations, and uncovering the promises and perils of PAR, moves the researcher toward a partnership with her community of inquiry. First-person action research unfolds a process of self-transformation.