Criminal Law and Procedure: A Courtroom Approach
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: Death on the I-95: The Rise of Fentanyl
Description: This BBC video traces the real-life horrors of drug addiction on American streets on the East Coast.
Video 2: E-Commerce and Counterfeit Goods
Description: This C-SPAN video takes students inside the world of protecting the public from counterfeit goods through federal regulation.
Audio 1: Treason
Description: Civics 101 podcast explaining the difference between treason and espionage.
Audio 2: Obstruction of Justice
Description: This Civics 101 podcast describes the elements of proving obstruction of justice.
Web 1: Ransomware Attacks
Description: Examination of the execution of a worldwide ransomware attack.
Web 2: Background Check for Firearm Transfers 2015
Description: A Bureau of Justice Statistics report on the reasons why people fail background checks for gun purchases or transfers.