The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Lucas, S. R. (2016, March,). Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Probability and Nonprobability Moments in Experiment, Interview, Archival, Administrative, and Ethnographic Data Collection. Socius 2, 1–24.
Abstract: This study evaluates the need for and feasibility of probability samples in various research methodologies.
Journal Article 2: Ellard-Gray, A., Jeffrey, N. K., Choubak, M., & Crann, S. E. (2015, December). Finding the Hidden Participant: Solutions for Recruiting Hidden, Hard-to-Reach, and Vulnerable Populations. International Journal of Qualitative Method, 14(5), 1–10.
Abstract: This article offers recommendations on how to improve recruiting among hard-to-reach populations.