The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Seventh Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Reisig, M. D., Wolfe, S. E., & Pratt, T. C. (2012, June). Low Self-Control and the Religiosity–Crime Relationship. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39(9), 1172–1191.
Abstract: This article explores the impact self-control has on the relationship between religiosity and crime.
Journal Article 2: Kimpton, A., Corcoran, J., & Wickes, R. (2016, September). Greenspace and Crime: An Analysis of Greenspace Types, Neighboring Composition, and the Temporal Dimensions of Crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 54(3), 303–337.
Abstract: Using bivariate and regression analyses, this study examines crime in greenspaces.