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Braze, D., Tabor, W., Shankweiler, D. P., & Mencl, W. E. (2007). Speaking up for vocabulary: Reading skill differences in young adults. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, 226–243.
Garcia, S. M., & Tor, A. (2009). The N-effect: More competitors, less competition. Psychological Science, 20, 871–877.
Quirk, M., Schwanenflugel, P. J., & Webb, M. (2009). A short-term longitudinal study of the relationship between motivation to read and reading fluency skill in second grade. Journal of Literacy Research, 41, 196–227.
Sousa, P., Gaspar, P., Fonseca, H., & Gaspar, F. (2014). Lifestyle and treatment adherence among overweight adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology, 1–11.