Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Video and Multimedia
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Video Links
Confidence Intervals for Independent-Samples t Test
Example of how to calculate confidence intervals for independent samples t test (2:53).
Confidence Intervals for Dependent-Samples t Test
Example of how to calculate confidence intervals for dependent samples t test (2:32).
Understanding Confidence Intervals
This short video gives an explanation of the concept of confidence intervals with helpful diagrams and examples (4:02).
This video discusses how to find z scores for confidence intervals and how to balance precision and certainty (11:00).
SPSS: One-Sample t Tests and Confidence Intervals
This video explains how to conduct one-sample t tests in SPSS and how to interpret the output, including confidence intervals (7:48).
Audio Links
This podcast gives an overview of confidence intervals (3:18).
Brief introduction to interval estimation (5:05).
This Data Skeptic podcast is about the statistical concept of confidence intervals (11:30).
Web Links
What Is a Confidence Interval?
This website describes confidence intervals and how to determine confidence intervals using an example problem.
Confidence Interval Demonstration
This interactive simulation illustrates confidence intervals.
Understanding Confidence Intervals and Effect Size Estimation
Describes confidence intervals, misconceptions, and tips for interpretation.
This website is a resource for writing statistics in APA style and gives an example of how to write up confidence intervals.