Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Links

Fisher’s LSD

Gives an overview of Fisher’s LSD, when it is beneficial to use it, and references to support the test’s use (5:44).

Post-Hoc Tests

Describes post-hot tests for one-way ANOVA (6:09).

ANOVA: One-Factor (Between-Subjects)

This lecture describes a one-factor ANOVA (between-subjects) (18:36).


Audio Links

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance example. A visual is displayed but the presentation can be used as audio only (4:46).


Web Links

Psychological Statistics—Analysis of Variance (One-Way)

This website provides information about Analysis of Variance

Introduction to Analysis of Variance

Gives an introduction to Analysis of Variance, its uses, and links to other related concepts.

Practice Problems: ANOVA

Three practice problems are asked and answers are provided.

Post Hoc Tests

This handout provides information on the use of post hoc tests for ANOVA.