Video and Multimedia
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This video relates to Learning Objective 15-1. Learn more on page 482.
“A Day in the Life of an Amazon Package” from Bloomberg Business shows the route of a package through Amazon’s fulfillment system.
- How does technology improve the operations at Amazon? Provide three examples.
- Based on what you’ve seen in this video, how does Amazon effectively use resources in their warehouse?
This video relates to Learning Objective 15-4. Learn more on page 494.
Any person can draw a Gantt chart for a project. Learn how to draw a simplified Gantt chart
- What kind of simple projects in your life could you apply a Gantt chart to?
- What advantages does a Gantt chart have over other planning methods?
- Draw out a simplified Gantt chart for a project or task you are currently facing.
This video relates to Learning Objective 15-4. Learn more on page 501.
An overview of the Deming Way.
- Do you have to be an engineer to master operations management?
- Do you need to be both technical and still have the interpersonal skills to manage people?
- Who are the great contributors of TQM?
This video relates to Learning Objective 15-5. Learn more on page 503.
Derek Thompson answers the questions: “Are Machines Taking Our Jobs? Should we be scared?”
- What happened after the first machines “stole jobs”?
- In what ways has farming technology made modern life possible?