SAGE Journal Articles

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(16.1). This is an example of a phenomenology.

Journal Article 1: Lee, I., & Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2007). A phenomenological study of Korean students’ acculturation in middle schools in the USA. Journal of Research in International Education, 6, 95–117.

Abstract: The purpose of this phenomenological interview study was to describe how visiting Korean students experience social adjustment and acculturation when attending US middle schools. As a result of phenomenological analysis, the essences of Korean students' social adjustment included: (1) descriptions of power struggles; (2) misconceptions of cultural differences; (3) coping behaviors; and (4) academic achievement. In conclusion, the authors argue that families and educators should strive to create an alternative form of nationalism that calls forth mutual understandings and cooperation that respects cultural dualism and negotiation.

(16.2). This is another example of a phenomenology.

Journal Article 2: Brownstone, L. M., Holliman, B. D., Gerber, H. R., & Monteith, L. L. (2018). The phenomenology of military sexual trauma among women veterans. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42, 399–413. doi:10.1177/0361684318791154

Abstract: Although researchers have examined health outcomes among survivors of military sexual trauma, knowledge regarding the phenomenology of military sexual trauma among women veterans remains limited. We used a qualitative, phenomenological approach to describe the experience, context, and perceived effects of military sexual trauma among women veterans. Thirty-two cisgender female military sexual trauma survivors participated in interviews, which we analyzed through thematic analysis. The following themes emerged: (1) sexual harassment: “expected,” “constant,” and “normal”; (2) silencing and disempowerment: “If you want a career, then shut up”; (3) changed attitudes toward the military: “I lost faith”; (4) loss of relational trust: “I can protect me if I’m not involved with someone”; (5) survivor internalization of messages conveyed by military sexual trauma: “If I looked different, none of this would have happened”; (6) coping by escape and avoidance: “I put my head in the sand and hoped it would go away”; and (7) a path to healing through validation and justice: “You’ll get through it.” Results suggest the importance of increasing stakeholders’ knowledge regarding military sexual trauma complexities and contexts. Military sexual trauma survivors should be heard, believed, and supported in pursuing justice. We also suggest cultural shifts and continued efforts to prevent military sexual trauma. Online slides for instructors who want to use this article for teaching are available on PWQ’s website at

(16.3). This is an example of an ethnography.

Journal Article 3: Malyutina, D. (2018). Friendship in a ‘Russian bar’ in London: An ethnography of a young Russian-speaking migrant community. Urban Studies, 55, 589–604.

Abstract: Friendship is increasingly drawing attention as a concept used to explain the variety of ways in which migrants develop and sustain local and transnational relations. The advantage of this approach is its focus on social capital and those ‘sustaining and inspirational aspects’ of friendship that contribute to shaping different aspects of mobile individuals’ lives (Conradson and Latham, 2005, Friendship networks and transnationality in a world city: Antipodean migrants in London. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31(2): 301), instead of interpreting migrant sociality and urban conviviality in superdiverse conditions in terms of ethnic communities. At the same time, the focus on friendship suggests the contingent and nuanced character of these close social ties. Drawing upon an ethnographic case study of a group of young Russian-speaking migrants from post-Soviet countries and their social relationships in a London bar, this article explores the role of friendship in a migrant group located within a particular physical and social space. The place served as an important social junction, and its Russian-speaking network of bartenders and regulars was a source of friendly support and empowerment for its members, helping them confront feelings of marginality. However, close and intimate ties were also at times connected with power relations, reflecting social divisions and the reinforcement of ethnic/national stereotypes regarding those excluded from this social network. This article highlights that friendship encompasses a diverse and dynamic range of inclusionary and exclusionary practices, and discusses how migrant sociality can be negotiated through these practices.

(16.4). This is another example of an ethnography.

Journal Article 4: Tichavakunda, A. A. (2017). Fostering college readiness: An ethnography of a Latina/o afterschool program.

Abstract: There are two, related types of college readiness: (a) cognitive—students’ test scores and grades and (b) noncognitive—students’ academic mind-sets, behaviors, and motivation. This study uses an ethnographic approach to examine how an afterschool program for Latina/o high school youth fosters noncognitive factors of college readiness. Based on over 80 hr of participant observation and 31 semistructured interviews, this work demonstrates how an afterschool program acts as a supplement to students’ noncognitive factors of college readiness. The findings also suggest that afterschool programs for high school youth can act as hubs of behavioral nudges toward noncognitive college readiness and access.

(16.5). This is an example of a grounded theory.

Journal Article 5: Cranton, P., & Carusetta, E. (2004). Perspectives on authenticity in teaching. Adult Education Quarterly, 55, 5–22.

Abstract: The authors work with 22 educators from a variety of disciplines during a 3-year time span to understand what authentic teaching means and to explore how authenticity is manifested in practice. Using a grounded theory approach, the authors interview participants twice per year, observe their classes, and hold focus groups at the end of the project. Data interpretation reveals five dimensions of authenticity: self-awareness, awareness of others, relationships with learners, awareness of context, and a critically reflective approach to practice. Following grounded theory guidelines, the authors develop a model that incorporates the categories generated from the data and generate tentative hypotheses about practice.

(16.6). This is another example of a grounded theory.

Journal Article 6: Basinger, E. D., & Knobloch, L. K. (2018). A grounded theory of online coping by parents of military service members. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35, 702–721. doi:10.1177/0265407517694769

Abstract: Although parents of adult service members play a pivotal role in the dynamics of military family life, they tend to be overlooked in research on military families. We seek to shed light on their experiences by investigating online discourse about having a son or daughter serving in the U.S. military. We used grounded theory methods to create a model depicting the process by which parents communicated in the online forums. At the heart of the model was the central theme of parents coping with the stress of military life. Parents were troubled by losing time with their child and feeling alone because of his or her absence, which led them to feel chaotic emotions. They coped with their stress by seeking support, relating to others with similar experiences, and focusing on the positive. We consider both the theoretical implications of these findings for understanding coping and supportive communication and the practical implications for meeting the needs of military parents.

(16.7). Some action research strategies.

Journal Article 7: Coghlan, D., & Holian, R. (2007). Editorial: Insider action research. Action Research, 5, 5–10.

No Abstract.