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Perry, J. L. (2007). Democracy and the new public service. American Review of Public Administration 37 (1), 3-16.
Rose, R. P. (2013). Preferences for careers in public work: Examining the government-nonprofit divide among undergraduates through public service motivation. American Review of Public Administration 43 (4), 416-437
Park, S. M., and Word, J. (2012). Driven to service: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for public and nonprofit managers. Public Personnel Management 41 (4), 705-734
Chen, C. (2012). Explaining the difference of work attitudes between public and nonprofit managers: The views of rule constraints and motivation styles. American Review of Public Administration 42 (4), 437-460.
van Steden, R., van der Wal, Z., and Lasthuizen, K. (2013). Overlapping values, mutual prejudices: Empirical research into the ethos of police officers and private security guards. Administration & Society, Advance online before print doi: 10.1177/0095399713509530.
Kennedy, S. S. and Malatesta, D. (2010). A very tangled web: Public and private redux. Administration & Society 42 (1), 101-118.
Thompson, J. R., and Mastracci, S. H. (2008). The blended workforce: Alternative federal models. Public Personnel Management 37 (3), 363-380.
Moynihan, D. P., and Ingraham, P. W. (2004). Integrative leadership in the public sector: A model of performance information use. Administration & Society 36 (4), 427-453
Kroll, A. (2013). Explaining the use of performance information by public managers: A planned-behavior approach. American Review of Public Administration, Advance online before print: doi 10.1177/0275074013486180.
Moynihan, D. P. (2013). Advancing the empirical study of performance management: What we learned from the Program Assessment Rating Tool. American Review of Public Administration 43 (5), 499-517.
Ammons, D. N., Liston, E. G., and Jones, J. A. (2013). Performance management purpose, executive engagement, and reported benefits among leading local governments. State and Local Government Review 45 (3), 172-179.