SAGE Journal Articles

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Klinger, D. E., Nalbandian, J., and Romzek, B. S. (2002). Politics, administration, and markets: Conflicting expectations and accountability. American Review of Public Administration 32 (2), 117-144.

Jørgensen, T. B., and Bozeman, B. (2007). Public values: An inventory. Administration & Society 39 (3), 354-381

Davis, P., and West, K. (2008). What do public values mean for public action? Putting public values in their plural place. American Review of Public Administration 39 (6), 602-618.

McDonald, B. D., III. (2010). The Bureau of Municipal Research and the development of a professional public service. Administration & Society 42 (7), 815-835.

Page, S. (2006). The web of managerial accountability: The impact of reinventing government. Administration & Society 38 (2), 166-197.

Russell, G. D., and Waste, R. J. (1998). The limits of reinventing government. American Review of Public Administration 28 (4), 325-346.

Blanchard, L. A., Hinnant, C. C., and Wong, W. (1998). Market-based reforms in government: Toward a social subcontract? Administration & Society 30 (5), 483-512

Coe, C. K., and Ammons, D. A. (1993). Industrial engineering: A productivity improvement discipline underutilized by government. American Review of Public Administration 23 (3), 247-261

Garnett, J. L., and Levine, C. H. (1980). State executive branch reorganization: Patterns and perspectives. Administration & Society 12 (3), 227-276.

Roberts, A. (1996). Why the Brownlow Committee failed: Neutrality and partisanship in the early years of public administration. Administration & Society 28 (1), 3-38

Knott, J. H., and Miller, G. J. (2008). When ambition checks ambition: Bureaucratic trustees and the separation of powers. American Review of Public Administration 38 (4), 387-411.