Video and Multimedia

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Case 3.1: The Administrative State: Enforcement of Speeding Laws and Police Discretion


  • Auto Blog—Speeding tickets
    About 65 speeding tickets are issued per minute in the United States.  Find other fun facts through this infographic from


  • ABC—Police Speeding
    Should police use their discretion to not issue a speeding ticket to police officers or other government officials?  This news video highlights how administrative discretion might lead to public controversy.

Web Resource:

  • The Seattle Times—Police speed trap snaring bicyclists, too 
    Automobile drivers are not the only ones on the road who must worry about how police officers use their discretion when issuing speeding tickets.  This story from Seattle reports that bicyclists are being issued speeding tickets for speeding in school zones.

Case 3.2: Should Private Contractors Be Guarding Government Buildings?


  • CNN - A simple solution to the TSA breakdown
    When the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was formed following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, airport screeners became public employees.  Now, some advocate for returning to screening by private sector employees.  Consider the commentary and debate in this video.
  • CBS News—Shutdown impacts small government contractor in Calif.
    Because the government purchases so many goods and services through contracts, the federal government shutdown in October 2013 had consequences for businesses around the country.  Consider the example in this video from CBS News.

Web Resources:

Case 3.3: Crisis of Water in Maryland: Created or Solved?

