SAGE Journal Articles

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Lurie, I. and Riccucci, N. M. (2003). Changing the “culture” of welfare offices: From vision to front lines. Administration & Society 34 (6), 653-677.

Wright, B. E., and Pandey, S. K. (2010). Public organizations and mission valence: When does mission matter? Administration & Society 43 (1), 22-44.

Visser, J. A. (2002). Understanding local government cooperation in urban regions: Toward a cultural model of interlocal relations. American Review of Public Administration 32 (1), 40-65.

Garrow, V., and Hirsh, W. (2008). Talent management: Issues of focus and fit. Public Personnel Management 37 (4), 389-402.

Adams, G. B., and Ingersoll, V. H. (1990). Culture, technical rationality, and organizational culture. American Review of Public Administration 20 (4), 285-302.

Newswander, L. K. and Newswander, C. B. (2012). Encouraging cognitive flexibility and interdisciplinarity in public administration programs. Administration & Society 44 (3), 285-309.

Theobald, R. (1997). Enhancing public service ethics: More culture, less bureaucracy? Administration & Society 29 (4), 490-504.

Grönlund, K., and Setälä, M. (2012). In honest officials we trust: Institutional confidence in Europe. American Review of Public Administration 42 (5), 523-542.

Thomas, C. W. (1998). Maintaining and restoring trust in government agencies and their employees. Administration & Society 30 (2), 166-193.

Doverspike, D., Qin, L., Magee, M. P., Snell, A. F., and Vaiana, P. (2011). The public sector as a career choice: Antecedents of an expressed interest in working for the federal government. Public Personnel Management 40 (2), 119-132.

Morgeson, F. V., and Petrescu, C. (2011). Do they all perform alike? An examination of perceived performance, citizen satisfaction and trust in U.S. federal agencies. International Review of Administrative Sciences 77 (3), 451-479.