Politics of the Administrative Process
Data Exercises
Once again, you will be working with the OMB Historical Tables. This time you will build off of the work that you completed for Chapter 11. Direct your browser to OMB’s Historical Tables at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Historicals. Again, open Table 12.2 called “Total Outlays for Grants to State and Local Governments, by Function and Fund Group: 1940-2021.”
1. Take a close look at each of the government functions having both federal and trust fund outlays. Choose at least three of the functions having both types of funds. For example, one could be “Natural resources and environment.” Next, create a table to record outlays for the three selected functions for the years 1980 to present. You may find it useful to use the existing table and delete the unneeded rows.
Pay attention to the numbers! Both fund groups added together equal the outlay figure for the entire category. You must not double count!
2. Using a computer spreadsheet program, create a line graph—for each of the three functions that you selected—that illustrates changes over time in both federal and trust fund spending. Provide a detailed write-up for your observations about the data.
3. Using data you collected in number 2, please answer the following questions:
a. How have the fund categories within each function changed over time in relation to one another?
b. How have the fund categories across the functions changed over time in relation to one another?
c. How have outlays for the selected functions (as well as the fund types within those functions) changed in relationship to total outlays for grants to state and local governments? You may find it helpful to add the total outlays line to both your table and your graphs.
In your analysis, be as specific as possible. When looking at budget data over time, resist the urge to report what is obvious (e.g., “outlays increased over time”).