Human Resource Management
Second Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1
Topics in this article:
- Performance appraisal interviews play a crucial role in internal communication. Most of the research on performance appraisal interviews has focused on strategic aims and interview design, but less attention has been given to the way in which performance appraisal interviews actually take place.
- In this study, the focus was to investigate how one of the crucial and most delicate activities in performance appraisal interviews, namely, giving critical feedback, is conducted. In particular, the way critical feedback is given is predominantly through negative assessments. The results indicate that there is an orientation to critical feedback as a socially problematic action despite the institutional character of the talk. Moreover, it can be seen that the more the supervisor shows an orientation to negative assessments as being socially problematic, the more difficult it becomes for the employee to deal with negative assessments.
Article 2
Topics in this article:
- In this field study it was determined that a manager’s implicit person theory (IPT; i.e., extent of assumption that people can change) predicted employees’ perceptions of the procedural justice with which their last performance appraisal was conducted.
- These procedural justice perceptions in turn predicted employees’ organizational citizenship behavior, as partially mediated by their organizational commitment.