Human Resource Management
Learning Objectives
6-1 Describe why the selection process is so important to the company. PAGE 195
6-2 Identify the three main types of “fit” that we look for in the selection process and why they are important. PAGE 197
6-3 Discuss the major points in the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP). PAGE 198
6-4 Briefly discuss the use of applications and résumés as selection tools. PAGE 201
6-5 Briefly discuss the legal considerations in the selection process. PAGE 204
6-6 Discuss the major types of written testing available as selection tools. PAGE 205
6-7 Identify the requirements for organizational drug-testing programs. PAGE 209
6-8 Discuss the value of selection interviews, including the three primary types of interviews. PAGE 212
6-9 List and briefly describe the steps taken in conducting interviews. PAGE 216
6-10 Discuss the use of the various background checks as tests for employment. PAGE 216
6-11 Identify the common problems employers encounter during the selection process. PAGE 221
6-12 Define the key terms found in the chapter margins and listed following the Chapter Summary. PAGE 226