A Brief Introduction to Corrections
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: Forever Prison
Description: The history of Guantanamo Bay is reviewed and discussed.
Video 2: Our Voices Are Rarely Heard
Description: In this video, inmates housed in supermax Pelican Bay State Prison are interviewed about their experiences, including solitary confinement.
Video 3: Differences Between Street and Prison Gangs
Description: The correctional training video describes how the two types of gangs are different.
Audio 1: The Roots of ‘Black and Gray Realism’ Tattoos
Description: This NPR clip discusses the rise of a particular tattoo style that originated in California prisons.
Audio 2: Inside Lewisburg Prison: A Choice Between a Violent Cellmate or Shackles
Description: This audio file describes how inmates sometimes need to decide whether to take their chances when sharing a cell with a violent inmate in solitary confinement or spending their time in shackles.
Web 1: Prison Culture: Are You a Convict or an Inmate?
Description: This webpage describes the convict culture from an inmate’s perspective.
Web 2: ‘Warped and Misguided’ Jail Culture Led to Fatal Fight Between Cellmate Friends, B.C. Judge Says
Description: The violent inmate culture is described in a jail setting in Canada.
Web 3: Security Threat Groups
Description: This NIC website provides resources relating to security threat groups in prisons throughout the country.