A Brief Introduction to Corrections
First Edition
Discussion Questions
- How do importation theory and exportation theory differ?
- According to Sykes, how do the pains of imprisonment impact prison subculture?
- How does the inmate economy impact the prison subculture?
- What does the term “convict” denote and how does it differ from traditional notions of an “inmate?”
- What does a symbiotic prison relationship between staff and inmates entail?
- What are potential impacts of a veteran officer using discretion in his/her authority, and a new officer using discretion in his/her authority?
- How might prior experiences impact adaptation to prison?
- What are potential differences and similarities in the ways prison staff and inmates experience prisonization?
- How does the tenet to not snitch in guard subculture compare to that in inmate subculture?
- What might be specific issues female correctional officers experience in prison?
- How and why does gang cross-pollination occur?
- How do gangs impact prison subculture?
- What are commonalities and differences between the various gangs described?
- What are opportunities and challenges to controlling gang problems in prison?