Child Development: An Active Learning Approach
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Web Links:
Web Link 9.1: Aspects of Language
Description: Website discussing non-verbal aspects of language and using language in a social context.
Web Link 9.2: Decoding Baby Cries
Description: Parenthood website discussing how to decode baby cries.
Web Link 9.3: Stages of Humor Development
Description: Scholastic website on the ages and stages of humor.
Audio Link 9.1: Bilingual Education
Description: NPR discussion regarding the proposition to lift California's bilingual education ban. (4:17)
Video Link 9.1: Genie - The Wild Child
Description: A TLC documentary about the secret case of Genie Wiley, the wild child.
Video Link 9.4: Cooing
Description: This is an example of a baby cooing. These first sounds do not involve fine motor movements of the mouth and tongue.
Video Link 9.5: Early Babbling
Description: This little boy is demonstrating the first form of babbling when he says "bababa." In this stage, the same sound is repeated.
Video Link 9.6: Later babbling
Description: This baby is demonstrating a later stage of babbling in which she uses a lot of the sounds and intonation of the language she is learning without using any real “words”.
Video Link 9.7: Gestures and Signs
Description: This baby is being taught to sign. Here he is approximating the sign for more. This is the same stage as the video 9.4, but he is using signed instead of spoken language.
Video Link 9.8: Comprehension of passive sentences
Description: This little girl is demonstrating whether she understands what a sentence means purely by the order of the words by acting out what she thinks the sentences mean using puppets
Video Link 9.9: Private speech
Description: Young children use private speech to guide their behavior.
Video Link 9.10: Dialogic reading
Description: In this video, Grover Whitehurst explains what dialogic reading is and how to use these techniques.
Video Link 9.11: Immersion Programs
Description: This is a video of an example of a Spanish immersion program. These children are native English speakers who are learning Spanish in school.